What do we get in return? You must credit freesfx.co.uk if you use our sound effects or music in your project. How you do this is up to you but please make sure that you include our website URL in your credit.
Download 20TH Century Fox Sound Effects LibraryRAR
What do we offer?More than 4,500 individual sound effects files, all fully catalogued so you can search or browse through our sound effect categories to find what you need. And we aren't just sitting back to let it ride. We are still curating and adding new sounds to the site every month.
There are some restrictions in how you can use our sound effects and music, but they all make sense. You can't claim them as your own or distribute to other folks. You can't use the sounds in isolation; they must be mixed into other audio or visual elements in your project. But you can use them for a live theatrical performance, for instance if there is creaking door or a thunder roll that occurs offstage. That would be a perfect live performance use for our sounds. You can read all about this in our End User License (link below).
Specialty EffectsSpecialty effects include sounds that are designed to be used for objects and places that exist only in our imaginations. You might use special effects in cartoon, fantasy and science fiction productions. They would enhance the production by creating a special sound for a space transporter, the magic of a genie's brass lamp, or for gigantic purple people eater cartoon animals.
Identical copies of this sound are RICOCHET - TOM AND JERRY GENE DEITCH CARTOON RICCO 01 on the Turner Entertainment Co. Sound Effects Library, GUN, RICOCHET - SHORT THIN RICOCHET, BULLET 01 on the 20th Century Fox Sound Effects Library, GUN, RICOCHET - SINGLE RICOCHET, BULLET 13, GUN, RICOCHET - SINGLE RICOCHET, BULLET 22 on the Universal Studios Sound Effects Library, and Guns Military, Bys Riccos - Riccos - Several Synthesized. Some Sound Cartoony Many Different Variations. Very Good - on the Soundelux Sound Effects Library. Two variations of the sound called ZIP, CARTOON - RICCO ZIP OUT 01 and 02 can both be found on the Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends Sound Effects Library.