Since the introduction of the general concept, field-flow fractionation (FFF) was developed to a complex of separation methods that differ by the fundamental processes underlying and accompanying the separation. In this review, the basic principles on which this separation methodology lies are presented, the most important methods and techniques applicable for analytical and preparative fractionations are described, the first approximation theoretical treatment of the separation processes is outlined, and typical applications for analytical and micropreparative purposes are demonstrated. The main goal is to show that FFF represents an interesting and competitive option of the separation methods applicable in analytical chemistry. The existence of some conflicting opinions concerning the theory as well as the experiments does not prohibit the analytical and preparative use of FFF. If not regarded only as a routine analytical tool, it should stimulate the research and development efforts. On the other hand, when used as an analytical tool, even if the approximate theoretical models are not fully supported by the experiments, the correct analytical result can be obtained from FFF (as well as from any other analytical separation method) by using a calibration procedure and an appropriate treatment and interpretation of the raw experimental data.
principles of general chemistry silberberg 5th edition 1
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